Superior Drainage Solutions in Memphis

Ensure proper water flow and prevent property damage with our professional drainage services.

Looking for reliable, professional tree services? We can help!

Contact us today for a free quote!

  • 4.8 Rating on Google
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  • A+ BBB Rating
  • 27 Years in Business
  • Locally Owned

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Providing Effective Drainage Solutions for your home or business

Our drainage services include a range of solutions designed to prevent water damage and improve the functionality of your property. From French drains to catch basins, we have the expertise to address your specific drainage needs.

French Drains

French drains are an effective solution for redirecting excess water away from your property.

Catch Basins

Catch basins help collect and remove standing water, preventing potential flooding issues.

A drainage project in the Memphis, TN area

Prevent Water Damage and Improve Soil Health

Proper drainage is essential for preventing water damage to your property and improving the health of your soil. Our drainage services ensure that excess water is efficiently directed away from your property, protecting your foundation, landscaping, and overall property value.

Drainage Services

Choose Hodges Tree & Landscape for your drainage needs and benefit from our expertise and use of high-quality materials. Our team of professionals is experienced in providing effective drainage solutions to ensure the proper flow of water and prevent any potential issues.

Another drainage project in the Memphis, TN area completed by Hodges Tree & Landscape

Assessing, Designing, and Installing Your Drainage System

Our team of experts will assess your property, design a customized drainage system, and efficiently install it to ensure proper water flow and prevent water damage.

Assessment and Planning

We start by thoroughly assessing your property's drainage needs and identifying problem areas.

Customized Design Solutions

Our team will create a customized drainage design that addresses your specific needs and maximizes water flow efficiency.

Professional Installation Services

We will professionally install your drainage system, ensuring it is properly integrated into your landscape and functions effectively.